Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Contract

My family back in India and America are constantly hinting that I should get married. During my last visit to India I was even introduced to prospective matches. I even had friends and family try to set me up on dates and offer to pay membership costs on dating sites. I can’t forget the occasional email of a gal who they think would be a good match. All of this to get me married.

One of my friends, whose family is constantly trying to talk him into marriage says “Marriage is or has become a legalized institution of prostitution.” He says this cause he believes marriage is no longer for better or worst. There is always some thing that is a motivating factor for the marriage. Be it stability, security or a big old diamond ring.

It seems like Love प्यार is no more the reason why people get married. Today it’s more a business venture or for the tax brakes and other reasons. Most arranged marriages in my opinion are business ventures. Celebrities claim to be married but do not sign on the dotted line because their lawyers are still working out the prenup agreement even after weeks of the so called ceremony. Some time celebrities get married for 48 hrs or less as a publicity stunt. People will disagree with me about marriage being a business venture , then why is the divorce rate so high? In a business you can walk out of a venture if you’re not happy with it and the same is happening with marriage. I thought marriage was for better or worst then why is there an option out?

A wise man once told me “marriage is a contract be ready to wheel and deal do not let one party call the shots. Go into it ready to negotiate. The other party in the marriage may claim to have the upper hand but in reality on one person can call all the shots. You are a signatory to the contract and you will have a say. A pretty face does nothing and all your past achievements should be left at the door. If She/ he may portray that they still has options but do you know if they do. They may claim they had options before they signed the contract in a heated argument with you. Don’t believe it my friend for if they did why would they waste their time trying you? If their option is now a way out then they aren’t for you”

What has marriage become, just another business transaction?
What has happened to the sanctity of marriages? is it a joke where one can just walk out of if you are tired of the other person?
Has the meaning of marriage been lost?
Do we need a piece of paper to tell us love प्यार is legitimate?
Why do men/women change their Faith to get married with some one who has another religious Faith. Is it because you are in love with that person. What happened to loving your Faith. Shouldn't your religious Faith come before marriages of convenience and stability?


Murali said...

Nothing is permanent bro, don't force anything. Marriage is for losers who can't pick women on a regular basis.

steve said...

I guess as one grows older they look for stability. Like your friend said there is always a motivation factor stability is one of them. Love is just another four letter word people change their faith as a matter of convenience.

Atma Nirvana said...

I think you probably would have to take the arranged marriage route. Us being Indian, most women are only interested in Hinduism or Islam. Most
Americans who are married to Indian men have converted to Hinduism or Islam and practice their husbands faith after marriage. It seems Hinduism and Islam is the new fad in America. So I advise you to take the arranged marriage route and follow your Christian Faith.

Rebecca said...

As ones grows up they are to give up their reckless lifestyle for a more stable one. I think deep down you crave emotional stability. Others crave financial stability but your issues are emotional based.I think a stable relationship is what you want but are afraid of commitment. I think you have commitment issues.

Mindy said...

Marriage has become like going to the store and then returning it once you get tired of it. Marriage should be stable. It is supposed to be the ultimate example of love between a man and a woman in a Christian mindset.

Neriz said...

Thank you all for your comments.

Rebecca as per your feels like in some way your ex as u mentioned in an earlier post was way too similar to me. By any chance have i ever dated you. if i have and hurt you in any way sorry and i guess its time for you to move on and get over it.Its time to forgive

Rebecca said...

I believe someone is commenting using my name in this blog. Although, I have been commenting on this blog frequently I personally don't know any of the writers. The above comment is not mine, to avoid such identification theft I have joined the blogger has Rebecca.

Mindy said...

As I was reading the comments on the blog, I came across that there are two Rebecca's that commented. Are there two Rebecca's actually or are you both the same person? I know Rebecca is a common name. So if you both please could identify yourselves that would be helpful to the readers and the authors of this blog. Thanks so much.

mylaro said...

As for me marriage has nothing to do with business, it has something to do with LOVE. You marry because you love each other not because your parents say so. We are in the generation where everybody has his own human rights. Personally, I would advice young people not to let your parents choose whom you're gonna marry, let the Lord choose for you. Pray for the right person and God is gonna give the best person for you. But remember DON'T EVER BE UNEQUALLY YOKE WITH UNBELIEVER. Chances are the marriage will not work if you marry a non-believer in Christ.