Saturday, January 8, 2011

2D Final MAYA.avi

Sunday, April 18, 2010

We Are Back

Dear Readers,

We have not posted for a long time, don't worry we are back. Atma and I had to take a break from posting, as the topics on our blog seemed controversial to some of our readers. We were being persecuted for writing about our Christian beliefs, it wasn't safe for us to speak our mind. Our church elders advised us to stop blogging. Had we received the support of our brothers and sisters we would have continued to write. But sadly, we did not get the support we were looking. It seems denominational lines became more important than the principles. With a heavy heart we decided to give the blog a break and actually get out and work with the people who needed us the most.

In America we send missions to the rest of the world but what happens to the lost in our own land. We seem to think of our self as a Christina nation but are we?

I moved out from the west coast to the midwest and started working, never forgetting my purpose and sharing my belief for Him whenever an opportunity was presented. Atma continued to do what he was called for back west.

We will write about some of our encounters and the hurdles we faced through the art of poetry.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

A chrsitmas note- by a friend

A few  Christmases, back
I gave my heart to a gal
But the very next day, she gave it away
Now, to save me from tears
I've  given it to someone special

For in the  crowded world,
I've hid from you My God 

I now know I should rely on you
Now I've found a real love 

They will never fool me again 

(Happy Christmas!) I realised
A babe wrapped in swaddling clothes,
lying in a manger.
was the greatest gift of all
He Loves me foe me" 
I meant it What a fool I've been in the past
not to accept the gift

If you would like to accept the gift please contact us and we will help you find it

Thursday, December 17, 2009

A poem out of lyrics

I am gonna fly without wings
For you will rise me up 
When Ime broken down 
You will lift me to  the sweetest rose of color 
Oh how real those roses seem to be
Even though they just paper roses
Even though my world may loose its glory
You will helped me  start a brand new story
Get my feet back on the ground
Now will you still  stand by me
And if you do
you can wear my hat
And it will just be another day in paradise
Cause you will fill the hole in my soul

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

We would like to apologies for not being punctual in the last couple of weeks. The reasons mainly being personal!  Neriz has being transferred to another part of the country, he will continue to post his blog. He will be leaving Los Angeles on the 1st of December Please keep him in your prayers as he get accustomed to the changes.

From the Loveaurshanti  team we would like to wish our readers a Happy Thanksgiving.

 “As we give thanks for our loved ones, we should remember those who can't be with us. And as we give thanks for our security, let’s in turn thank those who’ve sacrificed to make it possible, for us be blessed and to be safe. “

Thursday, November 19, 2009

We want pre nup - Kanye West

There are about a dozen or more songs that talk about pre-nups. The one that comes to mind is KANYE WEST’s Gold digger, it has a line that says “we want pre nup”

Most women will disagree with a pre-nup. According to these women, if you need a pre-nup you believe that the marriage is not going to work.

A prenuptial agreement is between two people dealing with financial and other decisions in the unlikely event of a marriage ending.

All married couples have a “prenup” – it is known as “divorce law.” Some people may be unhappy with the way divorce law work, and would prefer to take control of their own possessions, rather than leave it in some one else’s hands. In these cases, it makes a lot of sense to get a customized pre-nup.

Post-nups agreements are similar to pre nups agreements, except that they are completed after a marriage

I think pre-nups are a necessity in marriages even more so in cases of arranged marriages.

For more information why arranged marriages should have pre-nups, check out my other blog