Sunday, September 20, 2009

Peace and Salvation in this economy

This week Atma Nirvana and I met for breakfast to discuss some of life’s complex questions. We spoke about Peace  and Salvation. As we spoke about Peace in the journey of Life we came up with what we this is a way to attain peace. We believe that to attain peace one has to eliminate the want to attain more than what we require. We also need to remove jealousy from our life. We went a step further to connect peace with salvation ( मोक्ष ).

I have written a Poem that I would like to share with you all about life in these though times.  I personally know about my salvation and open to share it in person or upon request.

MS Hollywood
Millions like me
Come to thee
With dreams and not reality
Only to broken
For thee is a harsh mistress
Please be kind to me
Don’t break me
But mold me
Away from this reality
That leads to the recession
O the good old recession
That’s causing us to lead
In a vast depression
Where do I attain peace?
Is there salvation for me?

We first cut our memberships
To the places of luxury
Gyms and parlors
Close thy doors to us
For do we eat
Or do I look good starving
Do we keep our roof?
Or look at the stars
As we cry our self to sleep
We weep on our foolish past
Now we blame it on the recession
O the good old recession
That’s causing us to lead
In a vast depression
Where do I attain peace?
Is there salvation for me?

You took our dreams
Then our vanity
What next for thee
For the assurance of health
The insurance rises.
For they are a cruel system
That increases their rate
 Based on just a date
They don’t care for our health
All they do is raise their wealth
Even in the recession
O the good old recession
That’s causing us to lead
In a vast depression
Where do I attain peace?
Is there salvation for me?

P.S. Please share with us how you think one attains salvation.


Mindy said...

I really dont know how one attains salvation but I'll give it a shot. I know if one accepts Christ as Lord and trusts Him completely, I feel that that is how one does. Salvation is a very theological topic and I am a simple-minded person so this is as good as I can get.

Meshary said...

Peace must be obtained by oneself first before he or she can spread peace. To attain peace is not an easy task nor a difficult one. Rather it is an ongoing process that needs focus, patience, and attention. It is something that requires progression since it gets challenged daily, especially when it applies to oneself.

Neriz said...

Thanks Mindy and Meshary

Atma Nirvana said...

Salvation can only obtained by believing Jesus Christ is our Savior.

Murali said...

You and Atma Nirvan post some good topics. I dig the blog. Anyways I believe in Reincarnation, so the vedas tell me Salvation can be received after repenting and doing good deeds.

Melody said...

Hi Ziren,

Firstly, congrats on the new blog!! Wish you have lots of fun and happiness with it!

About my views - I'm a happy believing Catholic :)) so my views on Salvation is simple - believe in your heart and confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and you will be saved (you & your family!)

Anonymous said...

Great poem! Salvation is through Jesus Christ alone.. His sacrifice on the cross for our sin, redemption, atonement, justification and sanctification all via Jesus the PERFECT Sacrifice! Praise Him! He is Salvation!

Yvonne said...

Admit your need. I need Peace, I need Christ. Salvation comes through accepting Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior.

God created the world of peace and life. God loves you and me and wants you to have a life of peace and hope.

John 14:6 The bible says: "Jesus saith unto him,I am the way the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the father, but by me."

Faith comes by hearing and reading the word of God. Confess and pray the word.

Heaven and earth will fade but his Word will still remain. Amen.