Wednesday, November 11, 2009

veteran and Islam

Guest Blogger Steven Cardin

This past week I met with some of my friends who served this country. They did so to protect our freedom and make our homeland a safer place. I want to say thank you from the bottom my heart for your service to our country.

Almost all of my friends who have served this country have either fought in the first or second Iraq war. They took the step to make our home a safer place. Not forgetting the other veterans who sacrificed during the other wars. After all the sacrifice from our men and women in uniform over the years is the homeland a safer place?

Have we forgotten that September day when our homeland was under fire and our people in distress? It looks like we have forgotten what our veterans fought for. What have we become have we become a bunch of people who have to be politically correct all the time. In the recent Army shooting at Ft. Hood the Office is said to have had ties to terrorist organizations. But every one says we shouldn’t label him a terrorist yet because he acted alone. Every thing else he did should not be taken in to consideration. We should just forget that he tried to contact Al- Qaeda, just forget that he was a member of a mosque with a radical imam (priest). We should forget that most of his actions were similar to that of a terrorist even the shouting of Allah Akbar (God is Great) before his rampage. But when a man in Seattle is at war with local police it is ok to label him a local terrorist.

Just because he is an army officer means I guess he can’t be tried in federal court as a terrorist. They say he did not want to kill his Muslim brothers in the Middle East and did not want to be deployed. But it seemed ok to him to kill Americans. Did our men and women fight for freedom on foreign soil just to come home and be murdered or injured by some whack job? That is how we are replaying them for their service. Are the life’s lost for this land meaningless. We can’t even assure their safety on an army base and they say our homeland is safe. They say the war is not justified. Is an attack on American soil ok?

Quoting a friend who served in the Armed forces; “I rather fight the war over there than put my family and my American brothers in danger on American soil. The world may think America is just looking for a fight I say bring it on bitch and get ready for an ass kicking. If you’ll hurt us or have some brain washed freak hurt us we are coming for you”

Thank You Veterans for making our country a safer place. Thank you to all those in the armed forced in these though times for their service to the country. Thank you for continuing to protect us.


LUIS said...
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Mindy said...

We need to support our soldiers in America and around the world. God bless them and all the people who have served in the past.