Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hollywood Idols

This week David Letterman disclosed in his show that he secretly held sexual relationships with young female staff members, and most of these staff members eventually got promoted to higher positions in his show.

I live in a very liberal city , I asked the opinion of some of my male and female friends about David Letterman. They stated David Letterman is a "cool and chill dude", whatever he did was just between him and his wife to deal with and not for others to discuss. I was truly amazed with the liberal double standards. Here is a person that made jokes of Governor Palin and her daughters and now has taken advantage of young interns. I tried to speak about this man's transgression to my friends and that they should not look up to him. I told them why office sexual favors is inappropriate behavior and reflects on the organization's integrity,but all in vain my friends ostracized me for speaking against David Letterman.

Incidentally this month more Hollywood vice was on the news, from MacKenzie Philips to Polanski. Why is Hollywood speaking in favor of Polanski's transgressions, is it okay to sedate and rape a 13 year old? May be in Hollywood it is okay!

So if youth in America consider Hollywood celebrities to be role models. what about youth in the rest of the world? Hollywood widely releases its movies all over the world. Youth all over the world quickly pick up the lose morals of Hollywood such has drugs, sex and alcohol causing moral decadency in society.

What has happened to parents being good role models for their kids? Why isn't Jesus Christ a good role model? Why do most celebrities oppose movies based on Jesus Christ?

America is a world leader and the rest of the world looks up to us. If the best thing that comes out of America is Hollywood, what kind of role models are we to the rest of the world?


Anonymous said...

Just because you guys lost the elections, you now blame Hollywood for everything that happens. Letterman and the others are helping the economy. Dumb conservatives!

Anonymous said...

AMEN! I agree! Jesus is often mocked and immorality is glamorized. It's sad. We must continue to pray that our youth will be captivated by the beauty of the Lord Jesus and His pure love for them.

Rebecca said...

Amen! The message was enlighting. When I was young I strayed away from good morals until I found Jesus. I always pray for today's youth to not get caught up in earthly vices.

Ryan said...

True i guess money talks

Mindy said...

Wow! what a post. The world is becoming more tolerant of everything. I dont know why David Letterman didnt get fired. He should have. This is crazy! Polanski went to prison in Switzerland and Letterman gets nothing.

Liz said...

The world is full of sin. We need to pray