Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Chicago Or Iran

My friends and I were reflecting on the events of the last month. One of us stated “The last month has been a crazy month. Iran trying off their nuclear war heads, the earthquakes in Indonesia and the tsunami in American Samoa to top it off.” I knew what was on their mind. If there is a God, why did he not stop the natural calamities from happening? Why does he let bad things happen to good people?

As humans we need an answer to every thing. We also don’t like to take responsibility for any thing that causes a negative impact on our lives or the lives of others. We need a scapegoat, some one who won’t answer back. God is made an easy target.

We generally blame God for all the bad things that happen to us. We loose our job, why God why ? Your hybrid brakes down. What do you do, blame it on God? Your girlfriend or boyfriend dumps you, God why? Calamities around the world, blame that on God too. Could it be that things happen because of our own stupidity?

Newton stated that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This would only mean that the disasters were connected to some major human activity. What a coincidence that Iran tested their nuclear war heads, and then we have the earthquakes in Indonesia followed by the tsunami in Samoa. It's a well known fact that testing of nuclear weapons creates shockwaves in the Earth, triggering earthquakes and tsunamis around the world.

If we did not concentrate on Chicago's bid for the 2016 olympics and rather concentrated on making America and the World a safer place from its enemies. Could all the disasters have been avoided?


Anonymous said...

Very thought provoking post. Sobering things to consider. Thank you for posting these thoughts and questions to ponder. Have a blessed week!

Ashley said...

bible thumping christians are crazy. If you are so called good christians why do you guys love war so much. I am glad I got away from this stupid religion and people like yourselves. You religious people are the biggest hypocrites.

Mindy said...

Thanks for posting this! People do blame God for everything. We need to remember that God gave people free will and they can do what they want with it. Like the Iranians with their nucleaur stuff. We can't blame God for tsunamis, earthquakes or hurricanes or any other type of natural disaster. Evil is in the world and that is why I think those happen. Fires that do get started are mainly by arsonists or by people not being responsible.

In response to Ashley's comment, not all christians love war. I am a christian and I do not love it. If a war has to be used to keep the peace and to defend America, I am for it. Don't think of it as a stupid religion.

Anonymous said...

Oh, look, another ill-educated spammer blog. Are you drunk?